East Hampshire

Welcome to CAMRA East Hampshire Branch's website

Our Branch...

For further information on our Branch, our pubs, and the area covered, click on "About us..." from the left-hand menu.

NOTE: The views expressed on this site are those of the individual contributors and are not necessarily the views of CAMRA East Hampshire or The Campaign for Real Ale.

Latest updates to our pages...

7 February: 'Branch Diary':
- next Branch open meeting
- 2025 AGM date
26 January: 'Members Area' - previous Branch Meeting Minutes.
8 September: 'News' - TTT awards from the recent ABF
19 August: 'Chair's Corner' - an introduction from the new Chair.


If you wish to be kept updated with latest news from CAMRA and/or your local Branch, please ensure you have the correct email address in your membership section of the CAMRA website.
To do either of the above, go here... https://account.camra.org.uk/
Log in with your normal CAMRA userid/password.
Your membership details will be displayed - your email address(es) are shown about half-way down - make changes as required, then click on 'Update' at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: You can enter only one address.

Local pubs that give CAMRA discount

The following local pubs give you a discount on pints on production of your CAMRA membership card :-
Cassidy's, Alton - 10% off draught beer and cider
The Ivy House (Wetherspoons), Alton (with voucher)
The Ball & Wicket, Holt Pound - 10% off a pint
(You can see which pubs give discount in any area in Whatpub - look for the "luggage label" features tag.)

** PLEASE score your beers **

We use the National Beer Scoring System (NBSS) to "score" beers tasted, to enable us to narrow down prospective entries for the CAMRA Good Beer Guide (GBG) each year.
So, if you want your local to have a chance of getting into the GBG, PLEASE score your beers to help us - see "Beer Scoring" on the left.